Flexible Drainage Repair Couplings
Flexible couplings are specifically designed to connect and repair pipes of different materials or sizes used in sewerage, drainage and other underground applications. These couplings come with a host of benefits to the installer and end user including quick and easy installation and excellent durability. Couplings reduce the amount of time required to fix damaged pipes, bushes can be used to connect pipes of different materials or sizes.
At Civils & Lintels we can offer a variety of flexible couplings from Fernco for pipe repair and connection work on any underground drainage installation.
Our range of repair couplings includes flexible drain couplings, standard couplings, bushes and adaptors.

- Fernco Standard Couplings – These couplings feature a stainless steel shearband around the centre of the coupling, providing protection against heavy loads and shear forces, a quality which is required by the Water Companies as part of the WIS 4-41-01 standard. If connecting two different size pipes, then a Fernco bush or Multibush can be used to fill the gap. Standard Couplings are available for pipes between 50mm and 620mm as standard. For Large Diameter Coupling sizes above 620mm, Fernco can manufacture any size to order.

- Fernco Drain Couplings – Drain Couplings are simple straight connectors that can be used on private pipelines to connect pipes of similar outside diameters when resistance to earth loads isn’t required. Drain Couplings are available for pipes between 40mm and 275mm.

- Fernco Lateral Connection Saddles – Fernco provides a large range of saddles for the connection of lateral pipes into larger diameter main pipes. Lateral connection saddles can be used in the place of factory-made junctions as they require no adhesives, sealant, or concrete which reduces material and labour costs.
To talk to us about any product or discuss a project, contact your local branch.